Graffiti Street Art vs Mural Art: A Comparison

Mural art is a form of visual art that is applied directly to a wall, while graffiti is name-based art aimed at an audience of other graffiti artists. Street art is based on words, images and symbols that are intended for a public audience.

Graffiti Street Art vs Mural Art: A Comparison

Mural art is a form of visual art that is applied directly to a wall, and it can be found both inside and outside. It is distinct from graffiti, which is name-based art aimed at an audience of other graffiti artists. Street art, on the other hand, is based on words, images and symbols that are intended for a public audience. Graffiti is often done ad hoc and has its roots in illegal or gang activities, but it can also contain political messages in an oppressed society or be a tribute to someone or something. The main difference between graffiti and street art lies in the style.

Graffiti is usually text-based and rarely uses elaborate colors and images, unlike street art. Street artists have no limitations and are free to use whatever tools and colors they are comfortable with, while wall painters tend to use durable paints that are resistant to the elements and often have a wider variety of tools and colors. Murals have been used as a way of expressing freedom and creating a relationship between art and politics since the 1920s. During this period, many murals were painted in public buildings to spread social and political messages, which gave rise to the Chicano art movement. Three renowned painters - Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros and José Clemente Orozco - popularized the use of murals as communicative works of art. Although murals and graffiti are often confused, they are two distinct forms of art with their own rich histories and cultures.

Contemporary art often reflects the values and concerns of the society from which it emerges, and artists are increasingly using their work to address issues of diversity, inclusion and social justice. Graffiti and street art are often used interchangeably to describe any type of art painted or drawn on a public surface.

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